
Unlocking God Mode: Achieving High Performance with Matt Gallant

Who Is Matt Gallant?

Matt Gallant is a seasoned health optimisation expert, serial entrepreneur, and the CEO and co-founder of BiOptimizers, a company dedicated to enhancing human performance through cutting-edge supplements and nootropics. With a bachelor’s degree in kinesiology, Matt has spent over 15 years formulating supplements and has been a strength and conditioning coach for professional athletes. His personal journey from battling addiction to achieving high performance has driven his passion for optimal health and wellness. Through BiOptimizers and Newtopia, Matt offers personalised health solutions designed to help individuals reach their peak potential and achieve the coveted “God Mode” state.

Meet Matt Gallant, the CEO and co-founder of BiOptimizers, a company dedicated to health optimisation through cutting-edge supplements and nootropics. With a background in kinesiology, strength and conditioning coaching, and self defence, Matt has a unique approach to achieving peak performance. This blog delves into Matt’s journey, his philosophy on health optimisation, and practical tips for reaching the “God Mode” state—a high performance state where individuals operate at their best.

The Philosophy of Optimal Performance

Matt Gallant’s mantra, “More isn’t better; optimum is better,” challenges the common belief in the world of personal development and entrepreneurship that doing more leads to better results. Matt’s approach emphasises finding the optimal level of everything—from nutrients to activities—to achieve the best outcomes without negative side effects. This philosophy stems from his own experiences with addiction and the realisation that balance, not excess, is the key to sustained high performance.

The Importance of Optimal Dosage

Through years of research and personal experimentation, Matt has learned that every nutrient and supplement has an optimal dosage, which varies from person to person based on genetics, lifestyle, and activity levels. For example, magnesium is a crucial mineral that many people are deficient in, despite taking supplements. The recommended daily allowance might not be sufficient for everyone, especially those with higher physical demands. By optimising the dosage, individuals can experience profound improvements in their health and performance.

Personalised Supplementation

One of the challenges in the supplement industry is the one-size-fits-all approach. Matt advocates for personalised supplementation based on genetic tests and individual needs. BiOptimizers’ products, such as Magnesium Breakthrough and custom nootropic stacks from Newtopia, are designed to meet these personalised requirements. The company uses genetic profiling and feedback systems to continuously refine and optimise supplement regimens, ensuring that each person achieves their unique optimal state.

Achieving God Mode

God Mode, as Matt describes, is a high performance state where one can hyper-focus and switch off on demand to recharge and recover. This state is not about being constantly active but about having the ability to be at peak performance when needed. The right combination of supplements, such as those offered by Newtopia, can help individuals reach this state by optimising their neurochemistry and overall brain function.

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Neurofeedback and Brain Training

Neurofeedback is another powerful tool in Matt’s arsenal for achieving high performance. This technology provides real-time feedback on brain activity, allowing users to train their brains to enter desired states, such as increased focus or relaxation. Matt emphasises that neurofeedback can accelerate the learning process, helping individuals achieve in weeks what might take years through traditional meditation and training methods.

State Creation and Alter Egos

Matt also discusses the concept of state creation, where individuals can shift between different high performance states based on their needs. This involves using neurochemical enhancements, such as increasing serotonin for better emotional connection or dopamine for heightened drive and focus. The use of alter egos, a technique popularised in Todd Herman’s book “The Alter Ego Effect,” can help individuals tap into these states more effectively, enhancing their ability to perform under different circumstances.

Handling Adversity with the Warrior Spirit

Training with a Navy SEAL from a young age, Matt learned the importance of developing a warrior spirit—an inner drive to face adversity with confidence and resilience. This training involved exposing himself to physical and mental challenges, building a robust mindset that could handle high levels of stress and discomfort. Matt emphasises that pushing oneself through difficult experiences can significantly enhance one’s capacity to handle life’s challenges.

The Role of Gratitude and Active Appreciation

Gratitude plays a significant role in Matt’s daily routine. He practices gratitude through various methods, including a gratitude WhatsApp group where he shares his daily appreciations. This practice not only enhances mental well-being but also shifts the brain’s neurochemistry towards a more positive state. Active appreciation, as termed by Matt’s friend Jesse Elder, involves constantly recognising and valuing positive experiences, further reinforcing a mindset of gratitude.

Practical Steps to Optimise Health and Performance

For those new to health optimisation, Matt suggests starting with a few key steps:

  1. Magnesium Supplementation: Ensuring adequate magnesium intake can significantly improve stress resilience and overall well-being.
  2. Genetic Testing: Understanding your genetic profile can help tailor supplementation to your specific needs.
  3. Neurofeedback: Incorporate neurofeedback to train your brain for optimal performance states.
  4. Active Gratitude: Regularly practice gratitude and appreciation to maintain a positive and resilient mindset.

Matt Gallant’s journey from addiction to becoming a leading expert in health optimisation is a testament to the power of finding balance and personalisation in one’s approach to health and performance. By focusing on optimal dosages, personalised supplementation, and advanced techniques like neurofeedback, anyone can achieve their own version of God Mode. For those looking to take their performance to the next level, Matt’s insights and the products from BiOptimizers and Newtopia offer a promising path.

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