
How & Why Using Affirmations Can Reprogramme Your Subconscious Mind

Affirmations are simple, positive statements that can help you challenge and overcome self-sabotaging and negative thinking. These powerful tools play a crucial role in personal development by reshaping your subconscious mind, which is the cornerstone of your beliefs and behaviours. Understanding how affirmations can reprogramme your subconscious mind is essential for achieving lasting change and growth.

Understanding Affirmations

Affirmations are positive statements that we repeat to ourselves in order to challenge and overcome self-sabotaging thinking. They work by shifting our beliefs at a subconscious level, enabling us to reprogramme our inner dialogue and replace negative patterns with empowering ones.

The science behind affirmations reveals their impact on the brain:

  • Neuroplasticity: The brain’s ability to reorganise itself by forming new neural connections. Affirmations stimulate this process, reinforcing positive thinking patterns.
  • Positive feedback loop: Regular use of affirmations creates a cycle of positivity, promoting mental well-being and resilience.

These elements highlight how affirmations can be a transformative tool for personal growth and mindset transformation.

The Subconscious Mind: Your Inner Programming System

The subconscious mind is a powerful force that shapes our thoughts, emotions, and behaviours without us even realising it. It acts like an internal programming system, running scripts and patterns that dictate how we respond to the world around us.

How the Subconscious Mind Works

During our imprint years (from birth to age 7), our minds are highly impressionable. We absorb beliefs and attitudes from our environment—parents, teachers, media—which become deeply ingrained. These early beliefs can form strong foundations that may no longer serve us in adulthood.

Why Recognising Outdated Programming is Important

Recognising outdated programming is crucial for growth. These old scripts can hold us back from reaching our full potential, limiting our ability to embrace new opportunities and experiences.

Empowering Yourself to Rewrite Your Internal Narrative

Identifying and updating these beliefs through affirmations empowers us to rewrite our internal narrative for success.

Crafting Powerful Affirmations for Transformation

Creating effective affirmations involves several key principles:

  • Present Tense: Frame your affirmations as if they are happening now such as starting “I am”. This helps your subconscious mind align with your current reality.
  • Specificity: The more specific you are, the clearer your intentions become. Avoid vague statements to give your mind a precise target.
  • Humanly Possible: describe realities that are humanly possible
  • Simplicity: Create affirmations that are simple yet powerful
  • Focus on Feelings: Use affirmations that give you a feeling of love and inspiration
  • Consistency: Use words you’re willing to say for the rest of your life
  • The Senses: Use affirmations you can link to senses (sight, sound, places, smells, tastes, feelings)
  • Avoid: Don’t not use words like always and never in your affirmations

By following these guidelines, you can craft affirmations that truly resonate with your desired reality and drive transformation.

My Own Affirmations

Here are a few of mine that I read out loud daily, I have created the habit of having them written on a piece of paper as a bookmark in a book I read a page of every day (The Daily Stoic by Ryan Holiday):

  • I am a master problem solver and possibility creator.
  • I am grateful for all that I am, all that I do and all that I have.
  • I am a master of persistence and I do what it takes.
  • I am a money magnet and everything I touch turns to gold.
  • I am a genius and I apply my wisdom.
  • I am focused on fair exchange, with fair exchange everyone wins.
  • I am able to find a positive for every negative.
  • I can, I will, I must make it happen.

I also have a few other affirmations set as reminders on my phone that flash up at different times throughout the day:

I also have a few other affirmations set as reminders on my phone that flash up at different times throughout the day:


I experience profound gratitude for everything I have in my life and for everything that I continue to manifest. I receive what I am in harmony with and I am grateful for my health & well-being, my loving relationships, meaningful work that I am in love with and the time and money freedom to be, do and have what I desire. I joyfully embrace each new day with gratitude.


I am open and receptive to all the abundance the Universe provides me. I AM the person manifesting all the good and abundance I would love in my life. I release all resistance to abundance and fully allow it into my life. I prosper with every breath I take. Prosperity is drawn to me when I become a Person of Increase and focus on giving. I am grateful for the abundance that is provided to me and that I share with others.


Forgiving myself and others allows me to feel free and joyful. By releasing the past, I allow myself to move forward toward abundance. Every day I choose to let go of everything that is blocking me from moving forward. I now release all hurt, anger and resentment. I am grateful that I am letting go of the past and embracing the present with love.


I choose to radiate love, joy and gratitude. I embrace my longings and discontent as divine signs of growth. I am free to create a life I love living, and make welcome all things that are for my highest and greatest good. My potential is limitless. Every day, I embrace my true power and take control of my life. I am abundant in every way, and I am grateful for all the good I have.

The Connection Between Gratitude, Abundance Mindset, and Affirmation Practice

Cultivating an attitude of gratitude significantly amplifies the effects of affirmations on our subconscious programming. When we consistently acknowledge and appreciate what we have, we shift our focus from lack to abundance. This positive shift creates a fertile ground for affirmations to take root and flourish.

An abundance mindset stems from gratitude and fosters positivity. By recognising the wealth in our lives—be it relationships, health, or opportunities—we attract more of the same. Affirmations aligned with this mindset help solidify a prosperous outlook, making it easier to manifest our goals and desires.

Manifestation Made Easy: Using Affirmations as a Tool for Manifestation

Manifestation through affirmations is about aligning our thinking with the reality we desire. By consistently affirming positive statements, we shift our mindset to attract what we want. This alignment between thought and desire creates a magnetic pull, drawing opportunities and resources that resonate with our goals.

Practical Techniques to Release Resistance

  • Visualisation: Pair affirmations with vivid mental images of your desired outcome.
  • Emotionally Charged Statements: Infuse genuine emotion into your affirmations to amplify their power.
  • Regular Practice: Integrate affirmations into daily routines—morning rituals or before sleep—to reinforce consistent belief in your desired reality.

Adopting these techniques supports the manifestation process, allowing us to overcome internal resistance and embrace abundance effortlessly.

Letting Go of Past Limitations with the Help of Affirmations and Self-Talk Strategies

Overcoming past limitations with affirmations can be transformative. One powerful strategy is to use affirmations for forgiveness and release. For instance, saying “I forgive myself for past mistakes and embrace my growth” can help in letting go of self-blame. Similarly, affirmations like “I release all negative energy from my past” work to free you from lingering traumas.

Positive self-talk also plays a crucial role in reshaping our future outcomes. By consistently telling yourself “I am capable of achieving my goals,” you rewire your subconscious beliefs to support your aspirations. This shift not only promotes self-confidence but also aligns your inner dialogue with the reality you wish to create.

Book your FREE 1-hour coaching call

  • Gain Absolute Clarity: We’ll help you see your short-term future clearly.
  • Identify Your Blocks: Discover what’s been holding you back from achieving your goals.
  • Get Action Steps: Get at least one key action to move forward.
  • Explore Your Options: Discuss working closely with Will through The Evolve Inner Circle, The Evolve Mastermind, or 1:1 coaching.

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